“I cannot even estimate how many teachers I have shared your resources with over the years! I use a portion of my workshop to get people to sign up for your weekly newsletter.” An administrator in Washington
“One idea that stuck with me this past year was comparing characters from different books and describing a Halloween outfit a particular character would choose. It was so much more open ended and gave my fourth graders an opportunity to be creative.” A 4th grade teacher in Maryland
“Every year we do the inductive class motto instead of rules. I love it and kids do too!” A teacher in California
Hello! I'm Ian Byrd. I've been writing about education since 2009. I grew up as a gifted student, taught gifted students, spoke at dozens of conferences, and led professional development around the US. Now, I take work off of teachers' plates by developing video lessons that they can just use. Check it out at Byrdseed.TV.