“I took your Greek and Latin Roots and used them with a grade 4, 5, 6 class. The activities totally captured all the students imaginations and they had so much fun sharing what they had come up with.” A teacher in British Columbia, Canada
“Idioms, idioms, idioms, and more idioms! I use the sets you created and my students love them.” An anonymous teacher
“I use your Concept Attainment lessons to introduce grammar topics and concepts. My students really enjoy solving the grammar mysteries!” A teacher in Ohio
Hello! I'm Ian Byrd. I've been writing about education since 2009. I grew up as a gifted student, taught gifted students, spoke at dozens of conferences, and led professional development around the US. Now, I take work off of teachers' plates by developing video lessons that they can just use. Check it out at Byrdseed.TV.